Weekly update 22nd June

A brief update on the last week, in pictures.

Amanda and I seine netting the old tosai growing on system for the last time. We’ve cleared the tanks so they can be dismantled and the space cleared to make way for our new tosai growing on system. This will be the first of two tosai growing on systems.

It was an emotional moment, preparing for the break down of a tank system that I had built myself and that has performed so well over the years. Those tanks have produced massive tosai, prize winning tosai and I’ve stood next to them for hours perusing fish, considering the success or otherwise of the parent combinations, sorted out leaks, repaired failed equipment, and also taking great pleasure in showing our visitors the best of what we’ve been able to produce.. All done, standing by those tanks, working with the tanks, netting fish.. I've even gone for a swim a few times, when i've had to replace the bottom drain cover! They’ve worked beautifully… doing everything I needed of them to get me going, and develop what was a hobby into a business.

The reason for changing them , is part of process that will sweep through much of the old polytunnel, creating more growing on space and making better use of the polytunnel space overall. I need to double our tank capacity over the next few months.. a heady task, and that brings me onto the next pics.

Here’s the re build starting, led by Craig Emery and supported by Jon Healy. By having a trusted people like Craig and Jon build these tanks, it means that Amanda and I can focus on this years breeding programme.

A neat and tidy job; seeing the tanks take shape is an exciting time.
Kuroku is almost finished…

It's taken ages.. and I must have underestimated the number of hatchlings from the Ueno showa spawning. it's a meaningful number. Perhaps in excess of 5k black hatchlings.

And the showa hatchlings we've already moved across to the growing on pond are doing ok! And growing.... I'll get some pictures, but I can report that the showa hatchlings are looking like little fish, and you can start to see the red and white colours appearing on their tiny bodies. It's pretty cool having a different colour on the farm... And, we are still on course for a small showa harvest in around a month's time.

As well as rearing the Sharkey spawning... doing pretty well.. as you can see below...

.. and due for harvest very soon... There's the expansion building work going on and also preparing for the next round of spawnings - due to commence in around a week's time. And, that's going to give me a chance to try our new kohaku female, Marilyn...

Finally, a welcome update on the fabulous maruten kohaku from Sharkey’s 2016 spawning which you'll remember as one of the feature fish from that spawning; here's the video sent to us by our customer and I'm pleased to report the fish is doing well, it’s nisai, and has grown to 55cm.
