Choice picks from Individual Koi For Sale (23/4/22)

With the initial surge of customer visits following our Jumbo Tosai release a few weeks ago now passed, Amanda and I are starting to load more koi onto the individual koi for sale page on the website.

This morning, I have taken a 3 minute video of some of the choice picks from the range of varieties we have recently loaded onto the website and I've talked through them on the video too.

Our focus on showa breedings last year has delivered a broad range of showa options for our customers this spring; different types and sizes, and across a wide range of price points too.

Contrasting two from this video for you here:

So refined for such a young showa, and I would expect the sumi pattern to remain broadly as it does today; with some tightening up and further deepening of the sumi too.  The sumi on the head will probably be the area of most change and it looks as though the nose sumi will join with the shoulder sumi to leave an arcing pattern bending to the right as we look at this koi top down in the photo, and balancing against the sumi adjacent to the dorsal fin which is mostly on the other side of the koi.  The motoguru are basically pretty much exactly what we aim for with our showa's.  And, the hi quality is good and already showing good finish too.  More of a traditional showa style which will end with a higher proportion of sumi than the other two colours, with the hi and shiroji (white) being the highlights against a strong sumi pattern.

Contrasting that, is this hi showa which is actually a sibling.

The showa picture not doing this koi full justice, so we added some side shots in it's profile to show the extra detail of the motoguru and developing sumi.

This showa will outgrow the first one I profiled.  It's a sibling and already larger and likely to continue to be so.  The hi showa style of showa is where the hi (red) takes up the majority of the koi with some white and the sumi developing it's pattern across that base.  This is more of a project koi than the first one, as we have to look at the underlying sumi to predict where it will show as it develops.  I expect a chequerboard style of sumi to be much more visible at the end of this year, and you can see this best across the shoulder area.

And finally a karashigoi spawned by us in 2020.  There's an interesting story for the few koi we still have from that Marudo line spawning.  Basically, we missed a batch of this spawning when harvesting the fry ponds that autumn and they staying in the pond over the winter and after we harvested them before putting new fry in the following year, we put them into one of our stock holding facilities and they never made it into the sales room.  So we have a few koi from that spawning available in our sales room now; some chagoi's and some karashgoi's.  Grown more slowly that we usually do, having missed their slot in our growing system.  But still a good size, and also very good quality.


And this one has a great colour too.  Consistent from head to tail, and a rich mustard yellow colour which is what we're aiming for with Karashigoi .

That's it for now.  Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions on these or any other koi we have available.  We have instigated the online koi shop at the request of our customers, but we do still have plenty of visitors on site for customers that prefer that too.

Over the next 2 weeks we will be preparing for spawnings, and we also have a stand at the All England Young Koi Show next weekend too.  So lots more to update you on next week too.