New Vlog Episode! Adam Byer Koi Farm Q&A Ep. 2 | Expert Tips from the UK's Leading Koi Breeder
Continuing our Q&A Vlog series on all things koi, we have a new episode for you this evening!
In this month's episode, we answer four questions from family Peat, and one from Andy Rolfe. The Peat family visited us in the autumn and hand-selected a fantastic range from our 4-5 inch small koi mix. Following their visit, we received excellent questions from all three girls and Dad, including how to tell if a koi is happy, how to tell the gender of a koi, and also about the spawning process and how many eggs a koi produces. Dad Peat asked about the range of koi varieties produced when you pair two koi together.
We answered the whole family's questions and also one from Andy Rolfe, who asked for our recommendations on feeding koi through the winter.
We hope you enjoy this month's episode, just an 18-minute watch.
If you would like us to answer your question, please submit your question via this form:
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We look forward to receiving your questions, and will return in a month with another episode.