Kohaku fry coming on nicely :-)
In this picture you can see the fry in a bloom of daphnia. The daphnia make the picture look hazy. |
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Spawnings though have been tough. Out of 4 so far:
- 1 x successful
- 1 x eggs laid, but no fertilised ones
- 2 x unsuccessful
I've given the filtration on the females pond a spring clean, and examined all the females to see which ones are ready for spawning, and I found most are not quite ready.
I picked the two that I thought were most ready and have initiated the spawnings this evening. One is a shiro that I wasnt intending to spawn this year, but with the second fry pond outside ready to receive - I'm looking for options to fill it and make best use of the good fry rearing conditions right now. That would give me an option to run a late summer spawning in July / early August with the females I'd intended to go with and gives them a little more time to become ready for spawning.