A Big Day At Byer Koi Farm: Welcoming Our New Dainichi Acquisitions

Today was an exciting milestone—we received our high stakes Dainichi acquisitions! There’s always a mix of anticipation and nerves when new koi arrive from Japan. Questions linger: have the right koi been sent? Have they travelled well? These concerns are amplified when dealing with such exceptional fish, especially as two of them were the top nisai koi in one of Dainichi's prestigious autumn auctions. They are not easily replaced.

Thankfully, everything went smoothly. The koi travelled well, and we had a specially prepared pond waiting for them here at Byer Koi Farm. This clean, fresh water provided a calm environment to help them recover from their long journey.

Now, they are settling into quarantine, where they’ll remain for the next two months. During this time, we’ll take them through two heat ramps, deal with any parasites and cover all the essential health checks too to make them ready to move across to our operational polytunnels.

Having had the chance to examine them closely, most show signs of carrying eggs.  The is unexpected, and a huge bonus. With some care and nurturing here at the farm, we’re optimistic about the possibility of spawning one or two of them in the upcoming season which would be a year ahead of expectations.

Here are some video shorts, of Amanda and I de-bagging the koi on arrival.  You'll hear our first reactions as we get to see them for the first time post shipment.




Read about our auction wins, and our plans for these new koi on the website blog here: https://www.byerkoifarm.co.uk/blogs/blog/high-stakes-koi-acquisitions-byer-koi-farm-secures-elite-dainichi-kohaku-and-showa-females-to-strengthen-our-bloodlines