Koi Fry To BKKS National Koi Show Winner! Koi Show Successes in 2023.
Our koi have consistently proven their excellence by securing prestigious awards at various koi shows throughout the UK and over many years, and this trend continued successfully in 2023. Here, we proudly highlight some of the remarkable successes our koi achieved last year.
Kohaku and Asagi are two varieties we are already well known for, and these continue to win in koi shows ... and we're especially happy with those results considering they're up against such tough competition from Japan!
Reviewing some of the stand out placings from last year.... and starting with Kohaku, Tony Thompson took a nisai Kohaku from us and placed 3rd in Size 2 overall at the All England Koi Show last year... that's 3rd out of all the koi in size 2 irrespective of variety!
Matt Savage took a nisai Asagi from us in Autumn '22 and brought it on to win 2nd in size 4 Asagi/Shusui at the BKKS National Koi show in 2023
And Daniel Adams placed first in size 5 Asagi/Shusui at the All England Koi Show, with an Asagi he purchased from us as a 4-5 incher selected out of our small koi mixes. Grew that koi to 63cm in under 2 years and then went on to win that great award at the prestigious All England Koi Show. Daniel's Asagi was so striking, that it was picked out by Liam Bessel as one of his favourite picks from all the koi shows in the UK last year... featuring in his 'World Of Nishikigoi' volume 3.
Our Mukashi Ogon line is also now starting to win awards too, and prompted the title of this post.
It's worth a moment to track back and reflect on the parent fish we acquired to take our Mukashi line forwards; she's a massive and extremely high quality example from Marusei, the master of this variety and thought to have originally created the variety in Japan.
Previous blogs on the new Opaline Mukashi parent:
Opaline fry are very popular and Kyle Weaver's took a batch of these Mukashi fry from our Opaline line, grew them on and took the best to the BKKS National Koi show where he won first place!

This is a spectacular koi keeping achievement, and we're also happy of course as in doing that wonderful job Kyle has also neatly demonstrated the quality of the genetics we supply in our batches of koi fry!
If you're interested in our koi fry, they are available in the main breeding season and can be purchased from our website here: https://www.byerkoifarm.co.uk/collections/fry
Also at the BKKS National Koi Show, Alan Reeves won another award with his Byer Koi Farm Yamabuki purchased as a small grow on from our Clash of the Titans grow on competition. This demonstrates really good koi keeping from Alan, to be able to continue to keep this koi in great condition. Alan's won several awards with the batch of little grow on's he purchased from that event!
You can read up about the Clash of the Titan's grow and show event, here:
original event brief: https://www.byerkoifarm.co.uk/blogs/blog/announcing-clash-of-the-titans-grow-and-show-2020-byer-koi-farm?_pos=2&_sid=1fedbaee0&_ss=r
event results: https://www.byerkoifarm.co.uk/blogs/blog/clash-of-the-titans-results?_pos=1&_sid=1fedbaee0&_ss=r
2022 koi show awards, including Alan's wins with some of his Clash of the Titans grow on's: https://www.byerkoifarm.co.uk/blogs/blog/bkks-national-koi-show-2022-customer-awards?_pos=3&_sid=1fedbaee0&_ss=r
Koi show successes are an important part of the development of our farm, and demonstrate the quality in the genetics of our breeding lines. They are continue to demonstrate koi carp bred here at Adam Byer Koi Farm off Japanese koi are genuine alternatives to imported koi from Japan. We are truly grateful for all the customers who take our koi, grow and develop them, and exhibit them at koi shows.
We keep a track of the awards we know about, here: